Российское сообщество больных Гепатитом С

0.01 Introduction

This document answers frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the hepatitis C virus (HCV), its treatment, and related complications. We have made every effort to provide the most current and most accurate information.

This updated version (FAQ v5) reflects the international nature of the hepatitis C community. Although the home of the HEPV-L list is in the US, many of its members come from other parts of the globe. Patricia Johnson (Peppermint Patti), the original author of the FAQ had asked David Mazoff (squeeky), of HepCBC in Canada, if he could take over the arduous task of revising and updating the FAQ. David lives in Canada, and so this version has quite a bit of information for Canadians. To make the FAQ more accessible to those from countries other than Canada, information relating specifically to Canada has been put in appendices at the end of the document.

Thanks to a grant from the Legal Services Society of British Columbia, this edition now includes information on Disability Benefits for residents of BC. Hopefully, this section will expand to include all of Canada. The reader will also note that there is no list of physicians in the US comparable to the list of Canadian physicians given in Appendix D. Anyone wishing to compile this list is welcome to do so. Please contact the authors of the FAQ.



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